Recipient Filter

Recipient Filters are a key mechanism for selecting Team Members for whom scheduled content and alerts are most relevant.

Consistently providing the right information to the right team members at the right time is crucial in keeping them engaged. Recipient Filters are a feature of modONE that allows the selection of Team Members who are expected to review the content and respond to the requested call to action.

Team Members expected to review content and respond to the requested call to action are sometimes referred to as "in-scope Team Members."

Filter Types

modONE supports two types of Recipient Filters: Workgroup and Team Member.

A Workgroup Filter consists of a combination of Location, Job, and Role. A Team Member Filter allows you to select specific Team Members.

Only the Workgroup Filter option is available when scheduling content with attendance activated due to modONE's selection method for Team Members eligible to log attendance.

Setting Filters

Recipient Filters are set when sending alerts and scheduling content. Click the icon found on the Alert Composer page when sending an Alert or the Content Options popup when scheduling Content to activate Recipient Filter Settings.

Recipient Filter Settings

Clicking the radio button beside the desired Filter Type will show available settings.

Workgroup Filter

When configuring a Workgroup Filter, choose either to apply a saved filter or manually configure the categories of Location, Job, and Role.

For instructions pertaining to applying a saved filter, see the Apply Saved Filter guide.

To manually configure the Location, Job, and Role categories, click the circle beside the desired option within each category. Click "Select All" to select all options within a category. Click "Deselect All" to clear all selected options within a category.

Workgroup Filter Settings (Start)

If no option is chosen in a category, all Team Members within that category will be considered in scope. On the other hand, if all options within a category are selected, it is equivalent to choosing no options in that category. For instance, if you choose Team Lead in the Role category and no other options are selected, all Team Members with the role of Team Lead will be in scope for this content. Similarly, if you choose Team Lead in the Role category and Minneapolis and New York in the Location category, all Team Members with the role of Team Lead located in Minneapolis and New York will be in scope for this content.

If this is a new filter, a Save icon () will appear as selections within each category are made. Click to create the filter.

Workgroup Filter Settings (Before Creation)

After the filter is created:

  • The filter type selection is no longer active. The filter must be removed before changing the filter type.

  • The save button label is now "Update," and a remove icon () is now visible.

  • The number of recipients is updated based on the chosen filter options. Click to reveal a recipient list (the icon will turn green). Click the same icon to hide the recipient list.

Workgroup Filter Settings (Maintain)

Continue until the filter settings are as desired.

Click to save the changes, then click the at the upper right-hand corner of the Recipient Filter Settings window to close.

Team Member Filter

When configuring a Team Member Filter, choose either to apply a saved filter or manually select Team Members to receive content.

For instructions pertaining to applying a saved filter, see the Apply Saved Filter guide.

To manually select Team Members, click each Team Member (the Team Member will be highlighted) that is in scope for the content. Click "Select All" to select all Team Members. Click Deselect All to clear all selected Team Members. Click the "Add >>" button to move the highlighted Team Members to the selected Team Members list.

To filter the list of Team Members, click "Filter Team Members" to reveal available filter parameters.

To remove Team Members from the Selected Team Members list, click each Team Member (the Team Member will be highlighted) to remove. Click "Select All" to select all Team Members. Click "Deselect All" to clear all selected Team Members. Click the "Remove >>" button to remove the highlighted Team Members from the Selected Team Members list. Their names will reappear on the "All Team Members" list.

Team Member Filter Settings (Start)

If this is a new filter, a Save icon () will appear as Team Members are added to the Selected Team Member list. Click to create the filter.

Team Member Filter Settings (Before Creation)

After the filter is created:

  • The filter type selection is no longer active. The filter must be removed before changing the filter type.

  • The save button label is now "Update," and a remove icon () is now visible.

  • The number of recipients is updated based on the chosen filter options. Click icon to reveal a recipient list (the icon will turn green). Click the same icon to hide the recipient list.

Team Member Filter Settings (Maintain)

Continue until the Selected Team Member List is as desired.

Click to save the changes, then click the at the upper right-hand corner of the Recipient Filter Settings window to close.

Saved Filters

Filter settings can be saved for later use. Saved filters save time and reduce the potential for errors - particularly if the filter settings include a number of elements.

Static versus Dynamic Filters

Saved filters unlock a powerful feature referred to as dynamic filters. When applying a saved filter, two options are presented: static and dynamic.

Applying the saved filter as a static filter means that the filter settings are applied to the content and do not change, even if the settings of the saved filter change.

Applying the saved filter as a dynamic filter links the filter settings to the saved filter. If a change is made to the saved filter, the content filter reflects that change. The following example illustrates how dynamic filters work:

  • A Team Member filter called "Safety Committee" is created that includes four team members: Bill, Emily, Todd, and Jan.

  • The Safety Committee saved filter is applied to content scheduled in 2 weeks. When applying the saved filter, the dynamic option is chosen. The recipient list includes Bill, Emily, Todd, and Jan.

  • Prior to the content scheduled date, Bill is replaced by Frank on the Safety Committee. The modONE Administrator updates the saved Safety Committee filter to reflect that change.

  • When the scheduled date arrives, modONE processes the content automatically using the latest Safety Committee settings. Frank, Emily, Todd, and Jan will receive the scheduled content.

A small "d" will be displayed beside the filter icon when content includes a dynamic recipient filter.

When editing a recipient filter that is linked dynamically to a saved filter, the link type and saved filter are displayed.

To edit the filter and maintain the link, use Managed Saved Filters. Alternatively, the link can be broken by clicking the checkbox beside "Static" and clicking to update. Once the link is broken, the filter settings can be edited.

Dynamic Filter Controls

Manage Saved Filters

Saved Filters are accessed by clicking on the icon found on the Team Alert or Scheduling pages or, while creating/editing a filter, by clicking on the icon.

Saved Filter List

When Manage Saved Filters is activated, a list of saved filters is displayed. This list includes the name of the filter, the filter type, the number of scheduled content instances that are dynamically linked to this filter, and when the filter was last applied.

Specifics about the content linked dynamically to the saved filter are displayed when editing a saved filter. This information is important to understanding the impact of saved filter updates.

Click to edit a saved filter, to remove the filter, or the "Create New Saved Filter..." button to create a new filter. The icon is only clickable if the corresponding saved filter does not have linked content.

Create New Filter

  1. Click the "Create New Saved Filter..." button

  2. Type Filter Name

  3. Click the radio button beside the desired filter type (Workgroup or Team Member)

  4. Configure the filter settings as outlined in the Workgroup Filter and Team Member Filter guides

  5. Click to save the settings

  6. Click the "Exit Edit Mode" to return to the Saved Filter list

Edit Filter

  1. Click beside the desired Saved Filter

  2. Update the filter name and desired filter settings (as outlined in the Workgroup Filter and Team Member Filter guides)

  3. If Linked Content exists, a link can be broken by clicking the icon beside the desired content

  4. Click the "Exit Edit Mode" to return to the Saved Filter list

Apply a Saved Filter

When configuring a filter there is an option to apply a saved filter. Click the saved filter dropdown and choose an available option. Choose whether the saved filter will be applied as static (default) or dynamic. Click the Apply button to populate the filter with the saved filter's values. See the Static versus Dynamic guide for an explanation of the difference between the two options.

Last updated