Maintain Team Member

The Maintain Team Member page enables maintaining key information about a single Team Member.

Activate Maintain Team Member

Add Team Member

To activate the Maintain Team Member page in add mode, click the "Add Team Member" button in the Team Roster Overview.

To advance between fields, click the tab key to move to the next field or click anywhere in a desired field to activate the editor.


  1. Click the "Add Team Member" button in the Team Roster Overview section of the My Team page.

  2. Enter the Team Member's Employee ID. This field must be unique to this Team Member.

  3. Enter the Team Member's First Name.

  4. Enter the Team Member's Last Name

  5. Click the Timezone dropdown to choose the Team Member's timezone. The default selection is the timezone set at the Organization level.

Contact Information

  1. Enter the Team Member's email address. This field is optional and must be unique.

  2. If the Team Member is to receive email from modONE, slide the "Send Email" switch to the right. The switch is green when the Team Member email is enabled and red when disabled. The Team Member's email address is required when Email is enabled.

  3. Enter the Team Member's mobile phone number. This field is optional and must be unique.

  4. If the Team Member is to receive text messages from modONE, slide the "Send Text" switch to the right. The switch is green when the Team Member text messaging is enabled and red when disabled. The Team Member's phone number is required when Text Messaging is enabled.

Team Members can update their contact information through the Team Member portal. If a Team Member updates their contact information, these fields are locked, and changes can no longer be made by the modONE Administrator. See the Team Member Portal guide for more information.

Role and Job

  1. Click the Role dropdown and choose the Team Member's role. The choices are "Employee" and "Team Leader". When sending content to Team Members, Role is one of the fields you can use to filter the recipient list.

Team Member Status

When a Team Member is no longer part of the Organization, the Team Member status can be set to Inactive -OR- the Team Member can be deleted. Set the Team Member to Inactive if there is a possibility that they could rejoin the Organization in the near future or if there is a reason to maintain their information. If neither of those situations is relevant, modONE recommends that you delete the Team Member.

  1. Click the Status dropdown to choose the Team Member's status. The choices are "Active" (default) and "Inactive".

Click the "Save" button to save the Team Member information to the modONE database or the "Cancel" button to cancel. You will then be returned to the My Team Home page.

Update Team Member

After making the desired changes, click the "Save" button to update the Team Member information to the modONE database or the "Cancel" button to cancel. You will then be returned to the My Team Home page.

Last updated