Create Comprehension Quiz

A comprehension quiz is a great way to ensure content recipients understand key ideas from the content. Quizzes are administered during the call-to-action response process and/or attendance logging

modONE recommends that all content include a short comprehension quiz of 2 to 5 questions.

Create Quiz: Step-by-Step

  1. From the Settings section of the Content Editor, click the "Create Questions" button.

  2. Click the "Question Type" dropdown and choose "True/False" or "Multiple Choice."

  3. Click the question input field to activate the question editor and enter the question.

  4. If the Question Type is True/False, choose True or False for the Correct Answer and click "Save."

  5. If the Question Type is Multiple Choice, click "Save and Continue" to add answer options:

    • Click the answer choice input field to activate the choice editor and enter an answer choice.

    • Click the "Correct Choice?" checkbox if the answer is correct. Only one answer can be marked as the correct choice.

    • Click "Save and Add Choice..." to save the new answer choice and add another choice. Click "Save and Complete" to save the new answer choice and exit the choice editor. Click "Cancel" to discard changes and exit the choice editor.

  6. Repeat steps 2 through 7 until the quiz is fully populated.

Maintain Quiz

Once a quiz is populated, there are several ways in which it can be maintained:

Change Question/Choice Order

Edit Question/Choice

Remove Question/Choice

Add Choice

Remove All Questions

Click the "Remove All Questions" button to delete all questions and choices.

Last updated