modONE Culture Index

The modONE Culture Index (the "MCI") is a monthly snapshot of overall program performance.

Over the coming months, the modONE Culture index will be reworked to account for the various ways organizations use the modONE platform. This will provide a more accurate snapshot of safety culture performance.

The MCI aims to quantify an organization's safety culture into an index. This index (and the indices trend over time) will help organization leadership understand how they are building and sustaining their overall safety culture, quickly understand where to focus improvement efforts, and facilitate comparison across organizations.

The MCI calculation includes key elements of:

  • Program Structure/Platform Utilization

  • Team Lead Engagement

  • Team Member Engagement

  • Attendance Performance

  • Just-In-Time Alert Utilization

Clicking anywhere in this tile will take you to the MCI page, where you can view additional details, including tips for improving your score.

Last updated