Upload Team Roster

modONE provides the option to upload a file that contains a Team Roster. The uploader uses a sophisticated mapping process that chooses only those fields that are relevant to modONE.

Prepare an Upload File

The upload file must be a .csv file that includes one record per row and can include any number of columns. Included in the columns must be the modONE required fields. Click the Team Upload instructions below for an inventory of the required fields and the associated business rules. The instructions also include a "Template" tab that can be used as a starting point for the upload file.

Team Upload Instructions

Launch the Upload Process

To start the upload process, click the "Upload Team" button in the Team Roster Overview section of the My Team page.

Team Upload Process Launcher

After reviewing the instructions, click the "Launch Upload Process" button to begin the process.

Import File, Map, and Validate

Import a File

Click the "Add file" button, choose a file to import, and click "Open". The file will be extracted and loaded for Mapping.

Team Uploader


The Mapping step is central to the import file flow, confirming the alignment of columns from your incoming file with the modONE Team Member fields. Any data in columns mapped at this step will be migrated and transformed into the requested output format. Scroll through all the incoming/destination fields before clicking the "Continue" button.

Field Mapping

If a destination field expects a specific set of values (e.g., yes, no), you will be taken to a separate mapping screen to map the individual values for those fields. When finished reviewing all fields, click the "Continue" button.

Mapping Incoming Values with Destination Values


The data is translated into the required output format in the final step of the import process. This step allows the data to be reviewed and corrected/supplemented before uploading to modONE.

The table headers will now show those of the destination fields, and some of the data in the fields may have been changed as well. These changes are all made according to business rules set up on the destination schema and help reduce the work required to transition your data into the requested output format. To manually change your data, double-click into a specific cell and type.

You may also see the fields highlighted in three different ways:

  • Underlined - this field has been automatically transformed into a required format. Hover over the field to see the original value

  • Yellow background - this field has a warning - it will still be accepted by the destination system, but you may need to review it first. Hover over the field to see the warning message

  • Red background - this field has an error that requires your manual change. Hover over the field to see the error message and make changes accordingly

This review table is designed to help you easily fix any errors on large chunks of data. Here are some tips to help you go through the review process even quicker:

  • Pinning columns. If your file has many columns in it, you can pin up to three columns to keep them “frozen” in place when you scroll through the entire sheet

  • Sorting. You can sort your dataset easily by clicking the sort button

  • Searching and filtering. The toolbar above the table has multiple options for filtering your data - you can look at all valid or invalid records or filter based on the specific error by clicking on “Filter by error”. You can also search for specific records by clicking on the magnifying glass icon.

  • Find and replace. You have the ability to find and replace specific values in bulk, as well as replace empty values within a specific column.

You can access these additional field options by hovering over a column header and clicking on the displayed controls.

Imported File With Errors HIghlighted
Imported File With Errors Corrected

Manually Enter Data

As an alternative to importing a file, data can be manually entered. Click the "Manually Enter Data" button to activate a spreadsheet-style interface that includes the destination schema columns. Team Member data will be validated as it is entered. See the Validation step above for more details.

Upload Data to modONE

When you are satisfied with the data, click the "upload to modONE" button. The uploader will process the data and take you back to the My Team page. A message will appear in the Team Roster Overview section indicating that the upload is being processed and all functions on this page are locked. Depending on the size of the upload, this process may take a few minutes. modONE will send an email when the process is complete.

Last updated