Create Content

The Content Editor is where you create and maintain the details of your Content.

Content Editor Layout

The Content Editor includes 3 sections:

  • Controls: The topmost section of the editor is where content status is set and saved. The back button navigates back to the Content Manager home page.

  • Settings: This section is where the content is categorized and organized into keywords and folders. Comprehension Questions are also maintained in this section.

  • Editor: The editor is where the content and its details are captured.

Create Content: Step-By-Step

  1. Update the Settings (optional):

    • Set the Category of Loss the content addresses by clicking the dropdown and clicking on an available Category of Loss (the default is Not Specified).

    • If the content is specific to an Industry or Role, click the "Advanced >" toggle and update using the dropdown selectors. The default for both Industry and Role is Not Specified.

    • Click the "Create Questions" button to create a comprehension quiz. See the Create Comprehension Quiz guide for detailed instructions.

  2. Update the Banner Image (the image that appears at the top of the content) by clicking the current image. A window will appear that displays available images to choose from. Click the "Upload New Image" to upload an image.

  3. Update the content title.

  4. Compose a brief nudge. A nudge is a brief (1 - 2 sentence) summary that appears in emails and SMS messages when team members are notified about this content.

  5. Click anywhere in the Content Detail input window to activate the editor. In addition to formatted text, links to external web content, videos, and images can be included. Click the Autosave checkbox to automatically save your content every few seconds (if this checkbox is unchecked, content is only saved when you click outside of the editor element).

  6. To save changes, scroll to the editor's top, choose a content status by clicking on the status dropdown, choose an available status, and click the "Save" button.

  7. Click the "Back" button to return to the Content Manager home page.

Last updated