Platform Sign In

Whether you are an Administrator or Team Member, all activity on the modONE platform starts with Sign In at

modONE Administrators

modONE Administrators manage their organization on the modONE platform and have full access to all provisioned features.

Platform Enrollment

After signing up for modONE, a system administrator will provision your organization on the platform and create your user account. You will receive an email with a link to the modONE account setup page, where you will create a password and agree to the modONE Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Click the "Take Me to modONE" button to sign in to the platform with your User Name (email address) and newly created password.

During the initial enrollment and sign-in process, your browser may ask to allow notifications from modONE. We highly recommend allowing notifications as important information about the platform's status is conveyed using these notifications.

Account Holder Sign-In

Click the "I have a modONE Account", enter your sign-in credentials (the email you used when setting up your account and the password you set during that process), and click the "Sign In" button.

Remember Me

Click the Remember Me checkbox to prompt modONE to remember your email address each time you log in to the Platform.

Forgot Password

Click "Forgot Password?" to activate the password reset dialogue. Enter the email address associated with your modONE account and click the "Send Reset Link" button. An email will be sent to that address with a password reset link. Click the link to reset your password.

A Magic Link is a one-time link that automatically logs you into modONE. Click "Quickly Login with a Magic Link", enter the email address associated with your modONE account, and click the "Send Link" button. An email will be sent to that address with a magic link. Click the link to log in. Note that this link is single-use and expires in one hour.

Team Members

Team Members sign in to the Team Member Portal by clicking the "I am a Team Member" button and entering the following information:

  1. Company Code - The Company Code is a unique 3-digit code assigned to the organization when a modONE system administrator provisions it. This code is typically communicated to Team Members during the modONE Platform rollout. While Team Members cannot access this information, modONE Administrators can find it either on the "My Organization" page or in the header of each page where the Organization Name is displayed. The Company Code is appended to that name.

  2. Employee ID or Email Address - Team Members can enter their Employee ID or Email Address to uniquely identify them to modONE. Click the radio button beside either Employee ID or Email to tell modONE which information to expect. The default selection is the Employee ID.

  3. Start Page - This choice indicates which modONE page to navigate when signing in. Choices include the "Team Member Portal" and "Log Attendance".

A Magic Link is a one-time link that automatically logs you into modONE. Click "Quickly Login with a Magic Link", enter either the email address or phone number (whichever is stored on modONE), and click the "Send Link" button. An email or text message that includes the magic link will be sent. Click the link to log in. Note that this link is single-use and expires in one hour.

A Team Member, if desired, can set up their own password-protected modONE account. This can be done in their Team Member portal by selecting "My Profile" and clicking "Create an Account". See the My Profile guide for complete instructions. After setting up an account, choose "I have a modONE Account" when signing in to the modONE platform.

Platform Navigation

When logging in as a Platform Administrator, the starting point for all modONE activities is the modONE Dashboard (see the Dashboard guide for instructions).

Once activated, click on a selection to navigate to that page.

Note that the selections on your modONE Menu may vary from this example depending on your role and how your organization's account is provisioned.

To log out of the platform, click the "Log Out" icon on the page header's right-hand side.

Last updated