Advanced Settings

modONE Administrators can configure key elements of the modONE platform via the Advanced Settings page.

Communication Channels

modONE is able to communicate with Team Members via email and text message. When deciding which communication channels are available, modONE first checks which channels are enabled at the organizational level and then, for each enabled channel, determines which the Team Member has enabled.

To enable/disable a communication channel, slide the switch to the left (disabled) or right (enabled). If a channel is enabled, the switch will be green. If disabled, the switch will be red.

Scheduled Content

When scheduling content, the notification time can be set to the default time that is found here, or a custom notification time can be set (see the Content Options guide for detailed instructions for setting a custom notification time).

To support making the appropriate Team Member timezone adjustments, it is critical that the organization's default time zone be accurately set. Click the Default Timezone dropdown and choose your timezone.

Set the default email and text notification times by clicking the hour, minute, and am/pm dropdowns and choosing the desired values.

Documentation links are accessible to Team Members in the Content Hub section of the Team Member Portal. Any document that is stored in the cloud (e.g., DropBox, SharePoint) and can be accessed via a link can be included.

To add a new link:

  1. Click the Add Link Button

  2. Enter the link name in the Name field

  3. Enter a brief description of the link content in the Description field

  4. Type or paste the link in the Link field

  5. Click the Save button

After adding a link, hover over the link field to see the full link name. Click the link to open a new window and display the information.

Function Controls

Depending on how your organization is provisioned, some functions may be enabled/disabled. To enable/disable a function, slide the switch to the left (disabled) or right (enabled). If a function is enabled, the switch will be green. If disabled, the switch will be red.

Last updated