Engagement By Location

This tile provides an overview of Team Member engagement by Location.

Each bar indicates 30-day performance, and the line indicates 90-day performance. Five locations are shown at a time. If more than five locations are available to display, arrows will appear at the top of the chart. To advance forward or backward, click the appropriate arrow.

Note that engagement is a combination of responding to content and, if applicable, attendance logging.

Hover over any location bar for the 30-day versus 90-day results and trend. Click a location bar to view detailed Team Member statistics.

The Team Member detail includes 3 tabs: 1) Team Lead Engagement, Team Member Engagement, and Attendance. Click a tab to activate the view.

Each view displays an alphabetical list of Team Members. For each Team Member, the 30-day versus 90-day trend is displayed along with their performance during each timeframe.

This drill-down quickly shows those Locations and Team members who are engaging with the Platform and those who are not.

Last updated