Manage My Team

The My Team page is where you maintain all information pertaining to your Team Members. Keeping the Team Member roster current is an important role of modONE Administrators.

Team Roster Overview

The information block at the top of the My Team page indicates how many Team Members are currently on file and how many are Active. Team Members in Active status are eligible to receive content. Timestamps are displayed, indicating when the last manual update and last upload occurred. An alert will be displayed if the Team Member roster has not been updated in the last 2 weeks. Buttons to add and upload Team Members are available in this section.

Filter Team Members

Click "Filter Team Members" to display available filter criteria. As filter criteria are set, the Team Member roster will update based on the chosen criteria.

The External ID and Last Name filter criteria are case-sensitive. After entering a value in these fields, hit enter to initiate the search for Team Members that meet the criteria.

To include Inactive Team Members in the Team Member roster, click the "Include Inactive Team Members" checkbox.

Bulk Changes

The My Team page allows you to select multiple Team Members and, with one click, change key information or delete them from the roster.

To update key elements of selected items, click the "Update" button and choose an element (Status, Job, Location, or Role). A menu of choices will then be displayed. Click the choice to update all selected items. When processing is complete, a success message is displayed confirming the changes.

To delete all selected items, click the "Delete" button. A warning message will appear to confirm the Delete action. To confirm and continue, click the "Continue" button. To cancel, click the "Cancel" button.

In most instances, the requested changes are instantaneous. If more than 50 Team Members are chosen, processing may take a few moments.

Team Member Roster

The Team Member roster provides an alphabetical list of all Team Members and their information.

The communication channel icon will turn green when the Team Member expressly consents to receive communication via that channel. In the coming months, this consent will be required before communicating with a Team Member. More information will be forthcoming from modONE support about this change.

The following actions can be taken directly from the roster:

  • Click the Employee ID to open that Team Member's portal. See the Team Member Portal guide for detailed instructions.

Maintain Team MemberUpload Team RosterTeam Member Self-Enrollment

Last updated