Maintain Users

modONE Administrators can create and manage modONE Users. Accounts are established for these Users and they have varying levels of access to the Organization's information (depending upon role).

User Roles

modONE provides two levels of user access privileges: Admin and Manager.

Admin Access

Users with Admin-level access have full access to all provisioned features of the modONE platform.

Manager Access

Users with Manager-level access are limited to accessing the Dashboard, Attendance Details, and Alerts for only those Locations they are assigned. Manager-level Users must be Team Members who have an email address and are assigned the Team Lead role.

Add User: Admin

  1. The User Role dropdown defaults to "Admin".

  2. Type the User First Name in the User First Name input field. Click the tab key to move to the last name field.

  3. Type the User Last Name in the User Last Name input field. Click the tab key to move to the email field.

  4. Type the User Email Address in the User Email Address input field.

  5. Click the "Add User" button.

  6. The User will be saved, and an invitation will be sent to the email address with instructions for completing the account setup.

Add User: Manager

  1. Click the User Role dropdown and choose "Manager".

  2. Click the Team Lead dropdown and choose a Team Lead from the alphabetical list of eligible Team Leaders. Eligible Team Leads are those that are in active status and have an email on file.

  3. The chosen Team Leads First Name, Last Name and Email address will automatically populate.

  4. Click anywhere inside the Location Access input field to display a list of Locations. Choose a Location to populate it in this field. Continue choosing Locations until all desired locations are populated.

  5. Click the "Add User" button.

  6. The User will be saved, and an invitation will be sent to the email address with instructions for completing the account setup.

Edit User

  1. Update eligible information:

    • If the User is an Admin-level User, the First Name, Last Name and Email Address can be updated.

    • If the User is a Manager-level User, the Location Access can be updated. To remove a Location, click the red "x" beside the Location. To add a Location, click anywhere in the Location Access input field to display a list of Locations. Choose a Location to populate it in this field.

  2. To activate/deactivate a User, click the Active checkbox. A green check signifies an active user.

  3. Click the "Update User" button to save the updates and return to the User List.

Delete User

Resend modONE Account Invitation

Last updated